House of Dangerkat is a collective that combines dance, fashion and visual medias to a bouncing, high voltage performance. And I can just say: I love, love, loooove them! It's led by Kaiti Dangerkat who founded this unique style of performance: very laissez-faire, individual, ironical and bringing back the good old art of voguing. Their "costumes" are edgy trendy fashion-pieces, very 80's inspired looks where fashion goes art, and vice versa. So if you like fun moves and pumping beats check out their homepage!
If you are into vintage style, classical 40's and 50's inspired clothes which make you feel like a starlet out of a Hollywood flick, then visit Tara Starlet's shop. She and her mother design everything, and produce it in Britain. You can find other stockists here, but don't be afraid, they ship worldwide.
This picture has caused a lot of discussion in the US. Shame on us, that a picture of a normal thin woman can be the cause of such a stir. I found this on the Sartorialist's site were it bred more comments than ever.
The beautiful film "La Fille sur le pont", with music from Leonard Cohen:
"1. You came to me this morning and you handled me like meat.You´d have to live alone to know how good that feels, how sweet. My mirror twin, my next of kin, I´d know you in my sleep. And who but you would take me in, a thousand kisses deep?
2. I loved you when you opened like a lily to the heat. I´m just another snowman standing in the rain and sleet, who loved you with his frozen love his second-hand physique -With all he is, and all he was, a thousand kisses deep.
3. All soaked in sex, and pressed against the limits of the sea: I saw there were no oceans left for scavengers like me. We made it to the forward deck I blessed our remnant fleet -And then consented to be wrecked, a thousand kisses deep."
Mayes C.Rubeo designed these amazing costumes. She tried to get as close to the Mayan culture as possible. But in film/theatre design it's not about trying to copy, it's about using the historical fashion and creating something new, which transports the story you want to tell. In this case the story about the decadence of a moribund culture.
This is Violet Blue reading about a typical day in the life of the American journalist and author Hunter S. Thompson. He is known as the creator of the so-called Gonzo-journalism, and became famous as the author of "Fear and Loating in Las Vegas". A day like a trip to hell and back, in only 1 minute and 30 seconds.
Lucy McRae is a dutch artist who works with the fascinating possibilities of the human body. "LucyandBart is a collaboration between Lucy McRae and Bart Hess described as an instinctual stalking of fashion, architecture, performance and the body. They work in a primitive and limitless way creating future human shapes discovering low – tech prosthetic ways for human enhancement."
Designed by Peter Saville and photographed by Nick Knight, "Soft Furnishings" is a project for the July/09-issue of the Wallpaper* magazine. It's about the fetishism of design, the glamour of erotic furniture and about sexualizing the environment. Stylist Francesca Burns dressed the models in outstanding fashion, from Mario Schwab til Hussein Chalayan and Pam Hogg. SHOWstudio filmed and documented the whole process. You can find lots of interesting interviews, the Making-Of, and other stuff on their site.
A friend of mine posted this on facebook. It's amazing!!! I think the most poetic things rise out of easy or simple means. It doesn't always need the expensive instruments, lots of money or whatever... sometimes a screen and some sand is enough.
I think creativity often emerges from the lack of things, when you have to find new, unusual ways to express yourself.
"If you don't feel that you are possibly on the edge of humiliating yourself, of loosing control of the whole thing, then probably what you are doing isn't very vital." John Irving
The Italian artist Francesca Galliani tells stories about love and desire, passion and a wild lust for life. I love her raw, untamed and very sensual work!
Herbert Hoffmann is Hamburgs legendary tattoo-master. An adorable man who set "Die älteste Tätowierstube Deutschlands" up, and worked close to Reeperbahn for many, many years. I fell completely in love with him when i watched the movie "Flammend Herz" about him and his friends. It's the very intense and touching story about their life, the art of tattoo and the art of friendship.
On the picture below you see the three friends: Herbert Hoffmann, Albert Cornelissen and Karlmann Richter.
Beside tattooing Herbert Hoffmann made a lot of fantastic pictures of tattooed people.
Sape (Society of Ambianceurs and Elegant People) is a movement in Congo. The Sapeurs dress elegantly, like Dandies, with french chic, refine manners and glamour. It's about building up a world of beauty in surroundings of ugliness and hatred.
The roots of the movement lay in the 1920's when the first Congolese visited Paris, and returned with dapper suits.
“Sape is French slang for “dressing with class”. The French often use the expression “il est bien sape” to talk about a sharp dressed man. The term “sapeur” is a new African word that refers to someone that is dressed with great elegance…Nowadays, more that ever before, it is necessary that the Western (or Northern) countries, as the dominating culture, redefine their role in the world and recognize and acknowledge the consequences of their model of development for the rest of Mankind. This model, based on an unsustainable growth maintained by over-the-top consumption patterns, is what the rest of the world looks up to. On the surface, this model seems to be a paradise. The media and the immigrants returning to their countries, keep the myth of the Promised Land alive. In this process -consciously or not- our values tend to become myths, and therefore are considered superior (or more advanced, which is the same thing) to the traditional values of other cultures. Although this process has been greatly accelerated in recent times, the problem goes way back, and in the African case, to the times of Colonization. In this context, I reckon the Congolese Sape to be an evidence of the nonsense and terrible contradictions of our model of development.” -Hector Mediavilla, ‘The Congolese Sape’, artist statement
BBC made an interesting documentary about Sapeurs, you can read the interview with the makers (more here):
BBC Four: As your documentary shows, the members of La Sape are fiercely devoted to designer clothes. Could you elaborate on the symbolic importance of high fashion for the sapeur?
George: The Sape emerged from the chaos that was the Congo during the reign of Mobutu. It was really one way of coping with a society that had broken down. For a young person growing up at that time, there wasn't much to grasp hold of to help you feel better about yourself. Politics was out, so you found a lot of cargo cult religions in the Congo. The Sape is essentially one of these. The distinctive look of the sapeurs was also a rebellion against one of Mobutu's dictatorial decrees, which was that everyone was expected to dress in a very traditional, standard African costume - the abacost.
Cosima: The sapeurs in Paris and Brussels are using these European status symbols not to integrate into European society but to 'be someone' back home in the Congo. This separates them from European fashionistas. They aren't so much concerned with proving anything to the outside world but rather to one another, among their own community. These people have grown up with no kind of social structure to rely on. The Sape is a mini-state providing its own social strata: president, ministers, acolytes and so on.