Dienstag, 31. März 2009

Ridin' Dirty Face

Photography by Mike Brodie a.k.a Polaroid Kidd. At the age of 18 he travelled the US by freight trains, and made photos of his friends and fellow travellers. Pictures of an alternative subculture, punks and vagabonds, gypsies and hobos.
More here.

"I want to stay as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all kinds of things you can't see from the center."
Kurt Vonnegut

My Bohemia - A Fantasy

And so off I went, fists thrust in the torn pockets

Of a coat held together by no more than its name.

O Muse, how i served you beneath the blue;

And oh what dreams of dazzling love I dreamed!

My only pair of pants had a huge hole.

- Like some dreaming Tom Thumb, I sowed

Rhyme with each step. My inn was the Big Dipper.

- My stars rustled in the sky.

Roadside on warm September nights

I listened as drops of dew fell

On my forehead like fortifying wine;

And there, surrounded by streaming shadows, I rhymed

Aloud, and as if they were lyres, plucked the laces

of my wounded shoes, one foot beneath my heart.

Arthur Rimbaud

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