Dienstag, 30. Juni 2009

Pina Bausch - Life Dance

Pina Bausch passed away today at the age of 68.

She was one of the most unusual, stunning, fascinating choreographers I know. She gave dance a true emotional expression.

For her dance was not about art or ability, it was about life. Dance should be the language of life in all it's facettes. Movement as a mirror of what moves people. Her productions were a kaleidoscope of pictures, ideas and feelings, about plays and fights, lust and fear or about closeness and abscondence. She mixed dance, theatre, singing and all kinds of human expression, together with a fierce stage design, to a new beautiful yet unsettling visual and emotional experience. Her art was archaic and touching. She created pictures which somehow clung to you, came up again in your memory, with a meaning very personal but also universal.

Sonntag, 28. Juni 2009

Isabel Toledo - Exhibition at FIT

During my trip to New York, I visited the current exhibition at FIT: "Isabel Toledo, Fashion from the Inside Out". A wonderful exhibition about a great designer. Her work from 1985 up to today is shown.

What really appeals to me, is that she sees herself as a seamstress. She likes to sew, to work with pattern and cuts, to manipulate fabrics, to use different techniques. There are small section drawings of the pattern, and the manipulating-techniques are explained. I really love it, when artists love the way of creating something, when you feel the passion for the craft.

Her style is very sculptural, draped and architectonic, but also flowing, feminine and simple.

Her husband the illustrator Ruben Toledo is responsible for all the paintings and sketches of her fashion. What a wonderful example of a Bohemia-couple: how they work together and inspire each other.
Ooh... and I want that studio with that VIEW!

Mittwoch, 24. Juni 2009

First Crush

Doesn't everybody have such a story?! So sweet, so touching, so heartbreaking... a cute little film with wonderful animations made by Julia Pott.

Dienstag, 23. Juni 2009

More Mermaids

Adorable Hannah Fraser from Australia works as an professional mermaid. She made lots of photo-shootings and films where she swims with fishes and through coral reefs. Beautiful!!! I would like to know how she exactly makes her tail, it's fantastic.

I made the wonderful experience of swimming with whale sharks in Mozambique, and I can just say it's something you will keep in your heart forever. An out-of-this-world experience...!

Montag, 22. Juni 2009


Went to the Mermaid Parade at Coney Island. Though it was a bit cloudy, it was warm and the rain stopped. Mermaids and sea-creatures, pirates and sea-witches were having a great time. Such a freaky fun parade.
Find more pictures at flickr!

Montag, 15. Juni 2009

Short Break

I am off to New York City for one week.... yay super-mega-exciting!!! That means the next blogging will be after the 22nd of June.

Found those pics on susie stylebubbles site.

Sonntag, 14. Juni 2009

Scandinavia Rocks - Diana Orving

Diana Orving is one of Swedens most important designers. An autodidact who is known for her beautiful drapery, flowing swirly silhouettes and clothes that live through the movement of the body. Her interest in dance and performing arts is obvious.

Pictures and more here.

Samstag, 13. Juni 2009


Breathtaking pictures!!!

Donnerstag, 11. Juni 2009

I Love Merkley???

He is such an amazing photographer. And if it wasn't for the pictures, the titles would get me.
"Kelly Kate - Perched as an Owl on Her Vanity Amidst Her Owl Collection & Wallpaper Which Coincidentally Makes 111 Visible or Partially Visible Owls Total"
For more color-pop-freak-out-orgasm check out his flickr-sites.

Mittwoch, 10. Juni 2009

Danish Fashion - Stine Goya

Stine Goya creates fashion with typical danish flair: relaxed cuts, bold prints and vivid colors.

From top: 1. F/W09, 2. S/S09, 3.-6. S/S08

Dienstag, 9. Juni 2009

Burning Life

"The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars…”
Jack Kerouac

Montag, 8. Juni 2009

Streetblog Exhibition In Munich

Streetblogs have become a very influential part of the fashion- and photography community. There will be an interesting exhibition in Munich from June 18th until the 25. Some of my favourite blogger, like Gunnar from Styleclicker, Yvan from Facehunter, or Katja from Glamcanyon, will show about ten of their favourite pieces.

Samstag, 6. Juni 2009

Kristamas Is Abducted By Aliens

, ursprünglich hochgeladen von °Kristamas is abducted by aliens

Dreamlike fairy dust pictures filled with stories and dreams. Dive into the world of Kristamas Klousch.
Lots of treasures on flickr.

DIY - Tasseled Dresser

I got such an old dresser/commode for free. It was old, bruised and tacky, so I thought about putting some new life into it.
This is the result after the intense use of an orbital sander and white gloss paint.

For the knobs I made some pink pasties with black silk tassels. Et voilà my new commode for my boudoir.

Freitag, 5. Juni 2009

Louboutin For Ever

Amazing still lifes shot by Peter Lippmann. Louboutins as an object of desire in between caducity and eternity.

Dienstag, 2. Juni 2009

Bijules NYC - Jewelry With Humor

Jewelry can be different, stunning, interesting, fun... Bijules is special, especially amazing!

If you need a hairy chest...